Progetto Gelato gives an overview on what to do to open an Italian Gelato Shop: where and how to do it, the importance of the communication with customers and of a clear business plan, to have a better idea of the role of all products and all related raw materials. Now the book is available in its English language full edition.
Italian Gelato Project
Edizione in Lingua Inglese
Progetto Gelato gives an overview on what to do to open an Italian Gelato Shop: where and how to do it, the importance of the communication with customers and of a clear business plan, to have a better idea of the role of all products and all related raw materials. Now the book is available in its English language full edition.
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Business advice, biographic details, in-depth technical worksheets and recipes all together in a unique refined publication: that’s why the book Progetto Gelato is one of a kind.
The main topic of the book is its author, Andrea Soban: his vitality, pride and personality. Andrea’s parents were both gelato makers and he still never stops to work hard, study and do research in the field, growing his experience, testing flavours, procedures and discussing with his colleagues, whose contribution had been included in this book.
Progetto Gelato gives an overview on what to do to open an Italian Gelato Shop: where and how to do it, the importance of the communication with customers and of a clear business plan, to have a better idea of the role of all products and all related raw materials.
Techniques, machinery and marketing focuses with realistic case histories and also a keen eye for ingredients and recipes: as said, a complete overview on gelato.
In fact, while the first chapters focus on location, format study, planning and design, last chapters deal with ingredients (sugar and fats, milk and fruits), production techniques, recipe conception, balancing and production through pasteurization, whisk and storage.
Then, the final chapter includes a rich list of real recipes, made by Andrea Soban and by his colleagues, that Andrea himself defines “the Champions of Italian Gelato”: from classic Chocolate and Hazelnut to the unusual Peas and Mint, Guacamole, Ananas, Cinnamon and Honey.